They're talking about President Obama's activities on the 9/11 anniversary. It would be funny if it weren't quite so pathetic. (And I'm not talking about the part where he didn't know the Cronkite memorial.)
"All the news that fits, is probably just made up"
Becha I don't [answer the questions]! Becha they hear click, pop, and drop!
Not unless they have a bigger gun than I have. We Texans don't play the roll over and give in game.
I will not fill it out and will run any Accorn people off my property.
ACORN will get to meet my black lab if you show up at my door for the census.
Come on by ACORN. My dogs need the training. You had better get issued police dog training pads. From how it looks I'm not alone and you WILL need them!
It's my property and I have the right to say who is allowed on it. I also, have the right to post a sign advising THAT YOU ARE NOW IN RANGE, PLEASE HOLD STILL.
I guess that's the best job they can get under this dictator? Anyone who helps him cheat to win again will get what's coming to them.
JUST MAKE SURE YOU SICK YOUR DOG ON THEM OR ANSWER THE DOOR WITH YOUR GUN IN YOUR HAND.And, lest anyone think that these are all just blowhards, here are two posters who are proud of what they have already done:
When the census person aka Acorn rang my doorbell my 3 german shepards were not happy - to say the least. I just pointed to the dogs and smiled. The Acorn dropped some notice and ran.
I am already in posession of my third notice for failing to cooperate with federal census takers targeting renters. When I asked if they were ACORN employees the feigned ignorance... as though they had never hear of it before.They told me the interview would take about 20 to 30 minutes. I told them it will take me less than two for them to record the information I'm willing to provide. I was marked "uncooperative". I put the butch "b!tc#" (attitude) out and told her to leave the property immediately.These two unfortunate workers, who were most likely just verifying addresses in preparation for the mailing of census forms next March, almost certainly had no connection to ACORN whatsoever. It's far more likely that they've never heard of ACORN than that they were "feigning ignorance."
Though many doctors and Republicans say Obama's health reforms would lead to "socialized medicine," 2,200 members of the American Medical Association rose to their feet in nine standing ovations for Obama Monday, clapped at all his applause lines and only booed him once. [All emphasis added]OK, you got the part about nine ovations and one booing, right? Good. Without further ado, here's Fox Nation's take on this. Surprise!
"The Star-Spangled Banner" is notoriously unsingable. A professor of music, Caldwell Titcomb of Brandeis, pointed out years ago in the New Republic that its melody spans nearly two octaves, when most people are good for one octave, max. The first eight lines are one enormous sentence with subordinate clauses, leaving no really good place to take a breath. There are far too many mandatory leaps off the high board (". . . what so PROU-dly we hail . . .").He doesn't much like the lyrics either ("there is only one reference to any value commonly associated with America: 'land of the free.'"), but in any event, he'd like to use a different tune. He suggests "God Bless America", "America", "America the Beautiful", "This Land is Your Land", and a handful of others. Now, let's note some things he's not saying:
The only thing that should change is what country he lives in.Well, you get the gist. It is apparently not possible to disagree with FNatics on anything without causing them to blow a gasket.
Is he a communist? My gosh, next the Dems will be banning apple pie and baseball because they are too American! Maybe Mr. Kinsley would like a "vacation in Soviet Russia?" [Ed.: News of the collapse of Soviet Russia eighteen years ago apparently a bit slow to reach this neighborhood.]
As if this loser knows what it is like to fight for this country if indeed this is his country.
I suggest that we all contribute to a fund and use the money to send these weird, anti-american, flag and country haters to someplace they would fit in. Cuba, Palestine, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Borneo, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran are a few of the places that come to mind. [Ed.: Borneo?]
I do not understand people who have lived in our nation, been recipiants of all we have, and still want to destroy America.
It is a small minority who follow the "cool" crowd who always have to denigrate, debase and vilify our nation and its customs and traditions. These types of people are always among us; we call them misfits.
There is now other way to describe these People in power at this time as anything but "MONSTERS". [Ed.: "These People in power" includes newspaper columnists?]
Is this guy a citizen? He is an excellent entrant for our waterboarding contest!
There is only one thing that needs to go and that is 0bama and his gang of criminals.
Why don't all you people who don't like the USA the way it [is] leave and start your own country. Then you can do things anyway you want. You can even have Obummer as Ruler.
send them all to some island far from Us and let them build the Country they want socialism, full control. Take all the atheist with them.(Reply:)And let the Great Armed forces of our once great nation, like the Navy and the AIR FORCE, use that island for target practice.This anthem is part of our heritage. What do the liberals want a "rap" anthem???
Liberals are all stupid, so should this suggest by a Liberal surprise anyone. This is just another thing the Left would like to cram down our throats. Frankly, Kinsley needs to be sent to Gitmo on the next plane.
Once again, a widely publicized tragedy is being blamed on man-caused global warming.The first thing to note is that there's no original reporting in this "story"; it's based entirely on another article. In that article, which appeared in Russia Today, climatologist Kokorin makes no such claim. Here's the essence of what Kokorin does say:
Warming alarmists have often bemoaned air travel saying it increases the threat of global warming, but this time they’re blaming the phenomenon for the tragedy surrounding Air France Flight 447. ...
Aleksey Kokorin, a climatologist for the left-wing World Wildlife Fund’s Russia Climate Program, blamed global warming for the crash. He told Russia Today (RT) on June 4 global warming is to blame for making the weather conditions some think is to blame for the crash more severe.
“A consequence of global warming is that the frequency and severity of such events (severe weather conditions) is higher,” Aleksey Kokorin, head of Russia’s World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Program, told RT. “Unfortunately, the risk for airplanes, especially in tropical areas above water, will be higher. ....”Kokorin is, quite obviously, speaking generally about one of the effects of climate change: that severe weather events are likely to become more numerous and more severe, and that this could make some flight routes somewhat more dangerous. This in no way blames climate change for this specific storm or, by extension, the Air France crash.
To be honest nothing about this particular crash, but about general risk of global climate change for airplanes.OK, English is not Kokorin's native tongue, but we get the idea.
A new White House policy on permissible lobbying on economic recovery and stimulus projects has taken a decidedly anti-First Amendment turn. It's a classic illustration of Big Government trying to control every aspect of a particular activity and in the process running up against civil liberty.Sounds pretty bad, you'll agree. But if you read the actual White House memo this was taken from—as, of course, no FN readers will—there's no muzzling (or even any restricting) going on:
Check out this passage from a post on the White House blog ... (emphasis added):
"First, we will expand the restriction on oral communications to cover all persons, not just federally registered lobbyists. For the first time, we will reach contacts not only by registered lobbyists but also by unregistered ones, as well as anyone else exerting influence on the process. We concluded this was necessary under the unique circumstances of the stimulus program.
[T]he President’s March 20, 2009 Memorandum required all oral communications between federally registered lobbyists and government officials concerning Recovery Act policy to be disclosed on the Internet; barred registered lobbyists from having oral communications with government officials about specific Recovery Act projects or applications and instead required those communications to be in writing; and also required those written communications to be posted on the Internet.So there's no restriction on communications; they just have to be disclosed on the web so we can all see them. In other words, it's a sunshine provision. This generates many predictable comments about how our new fascist/communist government is trampling on the Constitution in pursuit of its goal of destroying America, yada yada yada.
Roll Call ... says that the administration lifted bans on lobbyists that have some part of spending "stimulus" funds. So now getting hooks into bloated federal spending is open season for the very lobbyists that Obama pretended to disdain only months ago.You've jumped ahead to the punch line, haven't you? That's right, these are the very same rules that they were going nuts about three days earlier. They were outraged when the rules were announced, and outraged again when they were retracted (actually, they weren't retracted, just reduced in scope a bit). Commenters cheerily note that the "congenital liar"/"Chicago hood" Obama is moving right along with his "plan to tear down America."
So much for hopinchange.
Additionally, the administration is still also pretending at "transparency" because one of the new rules is that there be "immediate internet disclosure" of this renewed contact that lobbyists are to have with federal agencies. Not that such a thing is anywhere near de rigueur at this point... but, um, you know how hard The One is working, right?
![]() | But those lovable scamps over at FOX Nation, well, they just crack me up. Here's their take on the Cheerios scandal. (Are these guys on sabbatical from the Daily Show or something? I mean, they're that funny.) Yes, friends, Barack HUSSEIN Obama (as he is generally referred to on FN) is going after good ol' American Cheerios. Well, that seems to be what the comment-posters over at FN think, anyway. Here's a random sample of what the well-informed, and always fair, FN crowd has to say: |
Obama is an idiot! He is the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen in the White House.Oy. Well, I suppose it's not that surprising, given that some of the FN loonies called for Obama's impeachment because he laughed at Wanda Sykes's Rush Limbaugh jokes.
No more food for anyone...everyone gets a Kook-Aid [sic] Obama IV and that is how life is sustained from now on.
The FDA is under the administration of Hussein Obama.
mr.0 will attack anything American, next up Corn Flakes and Wheaties, John Deere, CAT, baseball, apple pie.
Now that Obama and his staff trying very hard to do away with our Constitution, getting rid of small business nation wide and now they're going after privately owned such as Cheerios? This is how the dictators and their cronies work.
Why hasn't someone gotten him out of office yet?
CHEERIOS, please get it RIGHT so Obama can't take you over, too!!!
Obama will do anything to keep the focus away from what his real agenda is. And that is to ruin our country.
If Fox News can claim to be Fair and Balanced, I don't see why Cheerios can't claim to lower cholesterol.
The funding level requested for FY 2009 is sufficient to cover all anticipated claims in that year for the death benefits program. As this program is counted as a mandatory account, should additional resources be required to fund all claims, the funding level can be adjusted administratively.So, the fact is that there is no reduction in the benefits that will be paid to the officers' families under this budget. Comparing that simple fact to the headline "Obama to Cut Slain Officers Programs in Half" is enlightening, to say the least.
The PSOB ... program is an entitlement program, which means that 100 percent of benefits must be paid by law to every family that qualifies. The “cut” that FOX News is reporting is an estimate of what the program will pay out and is based on the predicted number of line-of-duty death claims.
“There has been no cut to the PSOB program,” states IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger. “The families of fire fighters who die in the line of duty will receive the full benefit. Whether there are half as many deaths or three times as many deaths, all claims will be paid.”