So, the FDA sent a warning letter to General Mills asking it to stop claiming that Cheerios helps to lower cholesterol. It's not that the claim isn't accurate; the problem is that, under section 201(g)(1)(B) of 21 U.S.C. § 321 (g)(P)(B)—you'll want to look that up—the use of such a health claim makes Cheerios a drug, not a food.
OK, yeah, maybe it's a little silly, but rules is rules.
![]() | But those lovable scamps over at FOX Nation, well, they just crack me up. Here's their take on the Cheerios scandal. (Are these guys on sabbatical from the Daily Show or something? I mean, they're that funny.) Yes, friends, Barack HUSSEIN Obama (as he is generally referred to on FN) is going after good ol' American Cheerios. Well, that seems to be what the comment-posters over at FN think, anyway. Here's a random sample of what the well-informed, and always fair, FN crowd has to say: |
Obama is an idiot! He is the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen in the White House.Oy. Well, I suppose it's not that surprising, given that some of the FN loonies called for Obama's impeachment because he laughed at Wanda Sykes's Rush Limbaugh jokes.
No more food for anyone...everyone gets a Kook-Aid [sic] Obama IV and that is how life is sustained from now on.
The FDA is under the administration of Hussein Obama.
mr.0 will attack anything American, next up Corn Flakes and Wheaties, John Deere, CAT, baseball, apple pie.
Now that Obama and his staff trying very hard to do away with our Constitution, getting rid of small business nation wide and now they're going after privately owned such as Cheerios? This is how the dictators and their cronies work.
Why hasn't someone gotten him out of office yet?
CHEERIOS, please get it RIGHT so Obama can't take you over, too!!!
Obama will do anything to keep the focus away from what his real agenda is. And that is to ruin our country.
To be sure, there is the occasional lonely voice from the other side ("morons", in the affectionate lingo of the FN glitterati). You gotta love this comment:
If Fox News can claim to be Fair and Balanced, I don't see why Cheerios can't claim to lower cholesterol.
Originally posted in Just Weird Stuff May 14, 2009.
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